Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions about Commercial Real Estate
CRE Income Fund Real Estate Investing Questions
- CRE Income Fund is structured as an LLC and issues a K-1 to all investors at the end of each year.
- The private equity investment fund investors own shares in the LLC.
- Management is a separate LLC that has all of the liability.
- Investors have no liability beyond their investment.
- Managers have all responsibility in managing the property.
Our Fund is currently open to all accredited U.S. citizens and permanent residents over the age of 18 and currently living in the United States.
We filter for the following parameters:
- Highest CAP rates
- Highest potential for actual vs. virtual returns
- Potential for appreciation and rent appreciation
- Population growth & inward migration
- Employment growth
- Cost of living
- Political support of business and development
- Sponsor fees at close to cover our costs to filter and vet the best deals.
- Loan fees to qualify and guarantee the loan.
- A percentage of the profits at the sale after the lender is paid, the investors’ original capital is paid back, and all of the preferred returns are paid.
Getting Started
CRE Income Fund charges a 1% management fee, on par or just below industry standard.
USD $10,000
Yes. Shares qualify for the Share Repurchase Program, as described in the Prospectus and subject to limitations discussed in the prospectus.
Yes. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 passed the responsibility of retirement saving from the employer to the employee. Created in 1975, IRAs provide individuals a chance to direct where their retirement funds are invested. The IRS code, instead of distinguishing which investments are allowed, identifies which investments are not permitted under these laws. Under both ERISA and IRS Codes, there are only two types of investments excluded: life insurance contracts and collectibles such as works of art, rugs, jewelry, etc. Refer to Internal Revenue Code Section 401 (IRC § 408(a)(3)).
The unique thing with IRAs and 401(k)s are the tax advantages. Most contributions are either tax deductible as is the case of a Traditional IRA or 401(k), or the distributions are tax-free as in the case of a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). There are no unique rules for self-direction.
Managing Your Account
CRE Income Fund will provide you with quarterly updates on the performance of your investment. Additionally, your Form K-1 tax information will be mailed before the due date of your tax return unless an extension is filed.
Generally, distributions that you receive will be taxed as ordinary income. We expect that some portion of your distributions may not be subject to tax in the year received due to the fact that depreciation expenses reduce taxable income. This defers a portion of your tax until your investment is sold or liquidated, at which time under current tax laws you will be taxed at capital gains rates.