When Is The Right Time To Invest in Commercial Real Estate?

Reviewing a construction site

If you are looking for an answer to this question, there are many variables you must consider. There is no right or wrong answer here. Successful commercial real estate investing depends on many factors including the market conditions which are impacted by the economy and the type of property you want to buy or sell. These are just to name a few factors that can have an impact on the price of the property. However, there are many other things you need to keep in mind to make a well-informed decision. 

Factors to Consider When Investing in Commercial Real Estate

There are some factors you must consider if you are planning to invest in commercial real estate. One of the most important aspects is the current phase of the commercial real estate industry. This industry moves through some predictable phases and its life cycle consists of recovery, expansion, hyper supply, and lastly, recession. 

As an investor, it is advisable to begin the investment journey in times of economic recession or whenever the market has cooled down a bit. It leads to a dip in prices and you could bag a great deal. Property prices often go down during a recession but it could become even more difficult to get the property financed when a recession is going on. Keep this in mind when considering investing in a property. 

Top 3 Reasons To Buy Right Now

Many might assume that the real estate industry is not in good shape right now and this is not a good time to buy. But you could be wrong, there are several reasons to invest in real estate right now if you want to benefit in the long term. Although it is advisable to buy in a recession, here’s why it is always a good time to invest in real estate. 

  • High demand for office space

With unemployment at its lowest ever and the millennial generation entering its prime earning years, corporations are expanding and the demand for more space is easily apparent. With more and more companies expanding, the demand for commercial real estate to expand the business will also rise. 

  • Hedge against inflation 

In times of rising inflation, many investors prefer to hedge against it by investing in commercial real estate properties. The value of the property is based on the market capitalization rates and operating income. Thus, a rise leads to an increase in the operating income and it ultimately shows a rise in property values. 

  • Low volatility

Direct investment in commercial real estate shows low volatility and it can help counteract the other, more volatile assets in the portfolio. This counter-cyclical impact of commercial real estate with a low correlation to the other asset classes often works as a defensive position in times of an economic slowdown. 

Everything said and done, the condition of the property and its location are top considerations when deciding if you should invest in a property to not. If it makes sense for you to invest in the property and you can afford it, you should go for it. 

It is not possible to time the real estate market or predict when the economy will improve. You cannot pick a certain time that is ideal for investing in real estate. If you think the price is right and you have the funds, do not wait for the market to change. An investment in commercial real estate will always pay off in the long term.